Sl No. | Title | Fee |
1 | Admission Fee | 25.00 |
2 | Re Admission Fee | 100.00 |
3 | Tuition Fee (per month) | |
3(a) | Class IX & X (Boy) | 200.00 |
3(b) | Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities(Boy) | 300.00 |
3(c) | Class XI & XII Science (Boy) | 400.00 |
4 | Computer Fund | |
4(a) | Class III on wards | 100.00 |
4(b) | Computer Science Fee.(for elective subjects in class XI & XII) | 150.00 |
5 | VidyalayaVikasNidhi from classes I – XII (per month) | 500.00 |
Exemptions from the payment of Tuition fee, VVN and Computer Fund.